Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Nicotine Dream #1: Palomino

Nicotine is a powerful drug that affects subconscious thought, brain waves, the depth of sleep, and can even affect dreams. The days after quitting, or taking a break, can result in the wildest minds.


She was a palomino. We were just the regular muddy thoroughbreds and every second we twitched. I was a muddy clydesdale with a emergency poncho and the bugs still bit. The moon was blue and the sky was orange. Then we were all in a canoe and my dad said we shouldn't worry about the weight limit. "If we tip over, we tip over." I remember him saying, "and if we tip over, it'll be fun. And we will get clean." No biggie. But she was a palomino so she got her own boat and the bug didn't bite her at all. We tipped over and the squids laughed at us, waving their limbs towards the shore. And they sang to us, "it's always good to have a palomino around." Then we clomped on typewriters. Nothing special, just homework and job applications.