Wednesday, December 21, 2011

have children is the best I could tell myself.

five years ago a teacher made us write to ourselves about what we were most thankful for. He promised to send them out once we were around 22 years old.

I got my letter today. I did forget what I wrote. At the bottom of the form letter I told myself,
"Please write more, Kristin. It makes you happy. Don't be afraid of being ordinary in life. Have children. -Suzanne Jones" Don't know what to think of it now. After a night a board games with a friend's family, I rush home to read this letter. I had hoped for pages and pages of who sat behind me and who I wanted to be and what my favorite animal was. I wanted to know just how much I loved my boyfriend. How much I knew in French. The current story I was thinking about.

Didn't get any of those. But! I did send myself a dollar. And my "b"s were that stupid Russian "b" back then. And I was thankful for emotion. Have children?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Zodiac Darius Re-Mix: Virgo

hemlines reversed, quick tongues lined with a reverberating mind:
terse respect for growing mime-ful of dissenting degrees of distress
and helping his hands would only result in being undone, undone,
over and over sarcasm-sand dunes and I fall into ridiculing his rhumes:
"I have a cough due to cold, girl! Will you talk to my mom for me?"
your sincerity reeks, plainly; and my shrill & garrish yelps when the
television starts on about yarrow and dreaming and daisy-beading
will certainly keep you in a more John Locke than a Franklin mood
and even if I sit a stadium away, we both know that just won't do.

Monday, December 5, 2011

manifest destiny #3: pairing of worlds

the "whoa" from holding
father in the artist room:
must capture all this