Monday, November 28, 2011

Nicotine Dream #5: That Got Me Over

It was a wild one.

Everyone got stuck on trains. For days and my ex-boyfriend's was ahead of ours, my peers', and we were starving so we put all of our rotten food in my "Playschool" compartment. Everyone on my train was my age. The train after ours was one year younger and I kept wondering about those on the two years after. Our train was a bright color. Probably purple. And so all of the rotting food in my train spot was to lure any rats that might be around so we could catch them and kill them.

I think we were only stuck on that moving train for two days but I am sure we would have eaten the rat raw. But I was so upset that I had to be the rotting one so I went to the train ahead with the one-year-older folk. Brinni helped me jump the gap. She said sweetly, "the moving ground is moving out of the way so you can jump." That got me over. And my ex-boyfriend was there looking so sullen and I felt awful. So I jumped off. Braved the fall.

And then everyone was let go. We went back to school, all thankful for soda machines and the feeling of the ground below us. Directly below us.

I went straight to Tate's class. Joe was there bitching. Complaining about the class and the work he has to do. And I waited my turn to show Tate I got my work done even though everyone, even he I think, went through that tragedy. And Tate was so frustrated with Joe that he yelled:

did you learn nothing from this at all?
What is this but a distraction from what you really must be doing?

I ran out, even left my notebook behind and went straight to everyone I loved. Not many were home but I found Mario and we hugged like there was a Great Flood and we both survived it.

Who would put all the people in the world on trains?

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