Thursday, October 31, 2013

Nicotine Dreams #24: Petrol

I didn't care.  I would tell myself, if I run out of gas, I could use the exercise.  If I run out of gas on the highway, I will call my dad.  If I run out of gas, I am well-trained.  I had planned to get gas in the morning.  I feel a quick chug and then the pedals freeze.  I coast my car just next to the driveway of the gas station across from the titty bar.  I was out of gas.  I could say "mother! fuck!"

I won't get much into how I didn't know how to put the spout on the gas jug.  I won't go much into how I kind of just threw the gas into the pinch-of-a-hole opening to my car's tank.  I won't mention how I feel no remorse just chucking the red, oily jug into the cornfield.  After I emptied most of it onto my back left tire.

What I really want to tell you is that I must not care too much about combusting.  Because I bought me a pack of Marlboro Red kings, a fancy plastic cigarette case for 4.99 and sent myself home after washing my hands with blue glop supplied generously by the public restroom.  The restroom was vast and the scrubbing went long.

I gave up.  My steering wheel was all gassed up and shit.  My hands for sure had petrol in their pores.  I made a rolling stop, just at the edge of the gas station exit, button-pressed down my window, unlocked the door (in case I needed a quick exit) and just hoped lighting my first cigarette wouldn't be a silly idea.

It wasn't.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

yup & the day goes on

only with you dreamin' of
cthulhu & sherlock & weeknd
& rihanna skin.
model careers. all we do
in these visions is drink coffee
in sweden & solve crimes.
money never an issue.
toast in the morning & I 
scratch my 5 o clock 
shadowy face
pull on my jacket over bulky
shoulders. the snow falls
& I just go with it.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Yeah, and I was, I was in the state of Wisconsin.

i am a hotel front desk clerk in this story(LIFE EVENT)
bachelor party guy
brings me into bachelor party
starts telling the room something
taps knife to glass tumbler
stumbles over my black cushion shoes
young guy asks if i am the stripper
then first guy tells the story of how i was witty
when he was looking for the bathroom
asking, -- he says to the room, "what did you ask?"
"I didn't ask anything."  
"Oh!  I was wondering where the bathrooms were."
but doesn't remember at all what was said
"You said, 'Where am I?'"  The room roars.
"Oh!  Yes.  Then you said where the bathrooms were."
so i laugh and say, that's not what I said.  Room roars once more.
"Oh!  She asked me what --"
"I said, 'you are in Wisconsin.'"
"Yeah, and I was, I was in the state of Wisconsin.  I was in the state of confusion, though!"
"I was in the state of confusion!"
and laughter
then i leave very red
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  • worst/best part is:
    the bachelor for which the party is thrown is my landlord
    the landlord i bitched out last week
  • (because he didn't answer our hundreds of calls when the power went out - and stayed out)

    bachelor party guy #9 just walked by with blue moon in hand, emptied, and said
    "you handled that very well"
    #14: "It's a good thing YOU remembered that guy's story."

Thursday, October 10, 2013

On the grind

what is it to eat money what is it when money eats you all that money yeah the money is the moaning.