i am a soggy piece of air, Ben. and i could see it right in your eye,
just one of them, that you knew. But all of these cassiopeias and pin pods and
boleyn girls and whisper junkies and silver dollar peddlers
that i have to get done (y'know, but really don't)
they took our weekend away.
and you had to leave to see me, this supposed cherry blossom tree
to be not what she says she is--so much means so much less to me.
Kinetic energy to fill the space. I started liking Coca Cola! I HATE colas, Ben.
Ben, I don't care how much I swear anymore. I don't look through books about
cenitpedes anymore. I started saying I am afraid of spiders without thinking
because I've always said i was afraid of them but I don't think I am anymore?
At least I don't question if I am anymore. Man, when did I stop liking ice cream
when did that pretentious phrase I always say stop making sense?:
"A day without ice cream is a day without living" or someshit.
Can I have a do over and this time around can you sleep with your head to my feet
instead of me cleaning?